Doreamon Lost Media
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Doraemon is a popular and long-running anime television series based on the manga of the same name by Fujiko F. Fujio. Its best-known adaptation originally ran from 1979 until 2005, while a reboot, that began airing a month after the first series conclusion, is still airing to this day.
However, the very first attempt to adapt Doraemon to television had actually occurred in 1973, with a series produced by a company named Nippon TeleMovie Productions (previously known under the names of Japan Broadcast Film and Tokyo TV Movie). It aired on the Nippon TV network (unrelated to Nippon TeleMovie Productions). The series was broadcast from April 1st, 1973 until September 30th, 1973, for 26 episodes. Each consisted of 2 segments, making the series 52 shorts in total.[1]
Doraemon एक लोकप्रिय और लंबे समय से चलने वाली एनीम टेलीविजन श्रृंखला है जो फुजीको एफ। फ़ुज़ियो द्वारा उसी नाम के मंगा के आधार पर है। इसका सबसे प्रसिद्ध अनुकूलन मूल रूप से 1 9 7 9 से 2005 तक भाग गया, जबकि एक रीबूट, जो पहली श्रृंखला निष्कर्ष के एक महीने बाद प्रसारित हुआ, अभी भी इस दिन में प्रसारित हो रहा है।
हालांकि, डोरामन को टेलीविज़न में डीओरामन को अनुकूलित करने का पहला प्रयास वास्तव में 1 9 73 में हुआ था, जिसमें निप्पॉन टेलीमोवी प्रोडक्शंस नामक कंपनी द्वारा उत्पादित श्रृंखला के साथ (जिसे पहले जापान ब्रॉडकास्ट फिल्म और टोक्यो टीवी फिल्म के नामों के तहत जाना जाता था)। यह निप्पॉन टीवी नेटवर्क (निप्पॉन टेलीमोवी प्रोडक्शंस से संबंधित) पर प्रसारित हुआ। श्रृंखला को 1 अप्रैल, 1 9 73 से 30 सितंबर, 1 9 73 तक 26 एपिसोड के लिए प्रसारित किया गया था। प्रत्येक में 2 सेगमेंट शामिल थे, जिससे श्रृंखला 52 शॉर्ट्स कुल मिलाकर। [1]
Broadcast and Cancellation
While the series did well in the ratings and was considered to be extended for another year, it encountered budget issues during its run, compounded by financial problems that the studio had, as well as the president of NTV Video abruptly resigning during the television run. The new president appeared not to regard the anime very highly, while the financial issues lead to the studio going bankrupt and being dissolved. Many of the staff that worked on the show wound up unpaid for their efforts due to this.
With the dissolution of Nippon TeleMovie Productions, the film reels to the series and other possessions wound up sold off to cover the debt, while other belongings in the studio and production materials were either thrown out in the garbage or destroyed in a kerosene fire. It has been erroneously reported that NTV deliberately organized a "cremation" fire and destroyed all the episodes; however, the production chief Masumi Jun (at the time credited under his real name, Hiroshi Shimosaki) has stated that this wasn't the case and has gone on to attempt to debunk the misconceptions surrounding the series' production and fate. Even so, a significant portion of the anime can be considered lost to some degree.
This version was briefly rebroadcast in 1979 but was abruptly pulled off television by order of Shogakukan, who did not want the new adaptation's reputation to be affected by the existence of the previous one, or for child viewers to be confused with the two different versions. It is possible that recorded videos from this time period may exist in some form.
While Hiroshi Fujimoto (aka "Fujiko F") was disappointed in the choice of studio to adapt Doraemon and the changes made to Nobita and Doraemon's characters, it is said that upon the closing of the NTV studio, he did not hold any hard feelings against the staff and expressed the hope that they could work on a new attempt at Doraemon in the future.
Surviving Material
In 1995, episodes 18 and 20 through 26 were found to be stored in Studio Rush (now known as IMAGICA). In 2003, other segments were found by the production chief of the show, Hiroshi Shimozaki (under the alias of Masumi Jun)[1][2], though two remain without their audio tracks. In 1998, a videotape recording of episode 18B, "Crazy Stomach Clock," was found by a lady named Yoshiaki Ueda. The tape was lent to a friend who went by the alias, Hanaballoon. The person hosted a blog on the 1973 anime[3], and thus a page that includes audio clips to the tape was made but has since been deleted.
On September 3rd, 2004, an Infoseek blog was created by a Japanese student that would be discussed collecting rare adverts and scarce information at the time. On December 25th, he received an audio recording tape from an anonymous person that contained the opening and credits along with a commercial for Nomura Securities.[4]
A pilot film was also produced in 1972. These are occasionally shown at Doraemon fan conventions in Japan, but cannot be legally released due to rights complications and the production studio being defunct. Some episodes of the series also only survive in still image form. It is unknown what may have happened to the other reels.
The opening and closing credits are the only surviving clips of the show available online that are neither hoaxes nor have been taken down.
When asked about a possible release of the surviving footage, Hiroshi Shimozaki responded:
एपिसोड "शिज़ुका के जन्मदिन" से शिज़ुका की एक तस्वीर।
1 99 5 में, एपिसोड 18 और 20 से 26 होकर स्टूडियो रश (जिसे अब इमेजिका के रूप में जाना जाता है) में संग्रहीत किया गया था। 2003 में, अन्य खंड शो के उत्पादन प्रमुख, हिरोशी शिमोज़ाकी (मसुमी जून के उपनाम के तहत) [1] [2] द्वारा पाए गए थे, हालांकि दो उनके ऑडियो ट्रैक के बिना रहते हैं। 1 99 8 में, एपिसोड 18 बी, "क्रेजी पेट घड़ी" की एक वीडियो टेप रिकॉर्डिंग, योशियाकी यूएडा नाम की एक महिला द्वारा मिली थी। टेप एक दोस्त को दिया गया था जो उपनाम, हनबैलून द्वारा चला गया था। व्यक्ति ने 1 9 73 की एनीम [3] पर एक ब्लॉग की मेजबानी की, और इस प्रकार एक पृष्ठ जिसमें टेप में ऑडियो क्लिप शामिल किए गए थे लेकिन तब से हटा दिया गया है।
3 सितंबर, 2004 को, एक इन्फोसीक ब्लॉग एक जापानी छात्र द्वारा बनाया गया था जिस पर उस समय दुर्लभ विज्ञापन और दुर्लभ जानकारी एकत्रित करने पर चर्चा की जाएगी। 25 दिसंबर को, उन्हें एक अज्ञात व्यक्ति से एक ऑडियो रिकॉर्डिंग टेप मिला जिसमें नोमुरा सिक्योरिटीज के लिए एक वाणिज्यिक के साथ उद्घाटन और क्रेडिट शामिल थे। [4]
एक पायलट फिल्म थी 1 9 72 में भी उत्पादित किया गया। इन्हें कभी-कभी जापान में डोरामन प्रशंसक सम्मेलनों में दिखाया जाता है, लेकिन अधिकार जटिलताओं और उत्पादन स्टूडियो को निष्क्रिय होने के कारण कानूनी रूप से जारी नहीं किया जा सकता है।
श्रृंखला के कुछ एपिसोड भी केवल छवि रूप में जीवित रहते हैं। यह अज्ञात है कि अन्य रीलों के साथ क्या हो सकता है। उद्घाटन और समापन क्रेडिट ऑनलाइन उपलब्ध शो के एकमात्र जीवित क्लिप हैं जो न तो धोखाधड़ी हैं और न ही इसे हटा दिया गया है।
जब जीवित फुटेज की एक संभावित रिलीज के बारे में पूछा गया, हिरोशी शिमोजाकी ने जवाब दिया
Dear American fans of Doraemon
Thank you for the email. In 1973 we broadcasted NTV Doraemon (NTV Doraemon and Old Dora is what the Japanese call Doraemon '73); for a long time, I thought that it was completely forgotten. So in 2003, I made a website about it. I got lots of emails from people saying that they wanted to see clips from the show. So I made a membership page with a Username and Password and uploaded the Opening and Ending.
Within a few minutes, I had heard that someone with access to the page had uploaded both clips onto another page (2chan). I removed the clip from my site right away. But because I gave it away only for a moment, it is now all over YouTube and other sites.
Due to me uploading it I got in some trouble with the law, I am resolving the issue now, but because of that, I will refrain from uploading the footage online. Though I have made it available at lectures and such for research use.
While Doraemon is still on the air, I am not allowed to release the footage. I hope you understand.-Signed Masumi Jun
Doraemon के प्रिय अमेरिकी प्रशंसकों ने ईमेल के लिए धन्यवाद।
1 9 73 में हमने एनटीवी डोरामन को प्रसारित किया (एनटीवी डोरामन और ओल्ड डोरा जापानी कॉल डोरामन '73 क्या है); लंबे समय तक, मैंने सोचा कि यह पूरी तरह से भूल गया था। तो 2003 में, मैंने इसके बारे में एक वेबसाइट बनाई। मुझे लोगों से बहुत सारे ईमेल मिले कि वे शो से क्लिप देखना चाहते थे। इसलिए मैंने एक उपयोगकर्ता नाम और पासवर्ड के साथ एक सदस्यता पृष्ठ बनाया और उद्घाटन और अंत अपलोड किया।
कुछ ही मिनटों के भीतर, मैंने सुना था कि पृष्ठ तक पहुंच वाले किसी व्यक्ति ने दोनों क्लिप को किसी अन्य पृष्ठ (2chan) पर अपलोड किया था। मैंने क्लिप को अपनी साइट से तुरंत हटा दिया। लेकिन क्योंकि मैंने इसे केवल एक पल के लिए दिया, अब यह सभी यूट्यूब और अन्य साइटों पर है।
मेरे कारण इसे अपलोड करने के कारण मुझे कानून के साथ कुछ परेशानी मिली, मैं अब इस मुद्दे को हल कर रहा हूं, लेकिन इसके कारण, मैं फुटेज को ऑनलाइन अपलोड करने से बचूंगा। हालांकि मैंने इसे व्याख्यान और अनुसंधान के उपयोग के लिए उपलब्ध कराया है।
जबकि डोरामन अभी भी हवा पर है, मुझे फुटेज जारी करने की अनुमति नहीं है। मुझे आशा है कि आप समझेंगे। -सिंबी मसुमी जून
Note: All of the titles end with "no maki" (の巻), meaning 'part' or 'chapter'.
Key: Found, publicly available or not, artifacts exist, like scripts or clips, or lost, possibly with images.
# | Original title | English translation | Air date | Status |
1 | 出た!!ドラえもんの巻 / ペコペコバッタ大騒動の巻 | Doraemon Came Out!!/ The Bow-Bow Grasshopper Riot | April 1st, 1973 | In Jun storage. / Lost, images exist. |
2 | 屋根の上のすてきな子の巻 / のび太のご先祖さんの巻 | Nice Girl on the Roof / Nobita's Ancestors | April 8th, 1973 | In Jun storage albeit with no title card./ In Jun storage albeit with no title card. |
3 | 弱味をにぎれの巻 / キューピッドですきすき作戦の巻 | Understand the Weakness / Operation Cupid Love-Love | April 15th, 1973 | Lost, clip exists. / Lost, script and images as well as a 6-second clip exist. |
4 | ねずみに弱い猫もあるの巻 / ガキ大将をやっつけろの巻 | Rats Are As Weak As Cats / Defeat the Bully | April 22nd, 1973 | In Jun storage, albeit with no audio. / In Jun storage, albeit with no audio. |
5 | おせじ鏡の巻 / パパとママの結婚記念日の巻 | The Liar's Mirror / Papa and Mama's Wedding Anniversary | April 29th, 1973 | In Jun storage. / Lost, images exist. |
6 | のろいカメラの巻 / 宝くじ大当り作戦の巻 | Cursing Camera / Lottery Jackpot Strategy | May 6th, 1973 | Lost, script exists. / Lost, script exists. |
7 | 決闘!のび太とジャイアンの巻 / わたしは誰でしょうの巻 | Duel! Nobita and Gian / Who Am I | May 13th, 1973 | Lost, script exists. / Lost, script exists. |
8 | アベコンベ騒動の巻 / おばけ屋敷の謎の巻 | Abekonbe Riot / Mystery of the Ghost House | May 20th, 1973 | Lost, script exists. / Lost, script and images exist. |
9 | クイック・スロー大作戦の巻 / のび太は雨男の巻 | The Quick-Slow Great Strategy / Nobita the Rain Man | May 27th, 1973 | Lost. / Lost, script and images exist. |
10 | ウルトラミキサーの巻 / ねがい星流れ星の巻 | Ultra Mixer / Wishing Star, Shooting Star | June 3rd, 1973 | Lost. / In Jun storage. |
11 | ふしぎなふろしきの巻 / のび太のおばあちゃんの巻 | The Mysterious Cloth / Nobita's Grandma | June 10th, 1973 | Lost, images exist. / Lost, images exist. |
12 | 大リーグ赤バットの巻 / 男は力で勝負するの巻 | Red Bat of the Major League / A Man Fights with Power | June 17th, 1973 | Lost. / In Jun storage. |
13 | ガチャ子登場の巻 / おしゃべり口べにの巻 | Gachako's Appearance/ The Talking Lipstick | June 24th, 1973 | Lost, images exist. / Lost. |
14 | すきすきカメラの巻 / 天の川でデイトしようの巻 | Love, Love This Camera/ Date in the Milky Way | July 1st, 1973 | Clip in background of Japanese pornographic film. / Lost. |
15 | へんなロボットカーの巻 / ニコニコせっけんの巻 | Weird Robot Car / Smiling Soap | July 8th, 1973 | Lost, images exist. / Lost. |
16 | おれ署長のだいりの巻 / さあ夏だ!スキーをやろうの巻 | My Chief of the Inner Palace / It's Summer! Let's Try to Ski | July 15th, 1973 | Lost. / Lost. |
17 | 成績表はいやだなあの巻 / 自分のかげをつかまえろの巻 | I Hate Report Cards / Catching My Shadow | July 29th, 1973 | Lost, images exist. A heavily damaged 1978 rerun is rumored to be in JustZingo storage. / Lost. |
18 | 潜水艦で海へ行こうの巻 / くっるたハラ時計の巻 | Going to Sea in a Submarine / Crazy Stomach Clock | Aug 5th, 1973 | In Jun and IMAGICA storage. / In IMAGICA storage. |
19 | キャンプ騒動の巻 / 忘れな草って何だっけの巻 | Camp Riot / Who is Going to Forget? | Aug 12th, 1973 | Lost, images exist and clip in IMAGICA storage. / Lost, clip in IMAGICA storage. |
20 | クーラーパラソルの巻 / いつでも日記の巻 | Cooler Parasol / Always Diary | Aug 19th, 1973 | In IMAGICA storage. / In IMAGICA storage. |
21 | 宿題おばけが出たの巻 / お天気ボックスの巻 | The Homework Ghost Came Out / Weather Box | Aug 26th, 1973 | In IMAGICA storage. / In IMAGICA storage. |
22 | ぼくに清き一票をの巻 / まんが家修行の巻 | I Have One Vote of Betrayal / Mangaka Training | Sept 2nd, 1973 | In IMAGICA storage. / In IMAGICA storage. |
23 | すてきなガールフレンドの巻 / 花いっぱい騒動の巻 | Nice Girlfriend / Flowery Riot | Sept 9th, 1973 | In IMAGICA storage. / In IMAGICA storage. |
24 | そっくりクレヨンの巻 / 静香の誕生日の巻 | Entirely Crayons / Shizuka's Birthday | Sept 16th, 1973 | In IMAGICA storage. / In IMAGICA storage. |
25 | 宇宙飛行士になりたいの巻 / まいごマゴマゴ大騒動の巻 | Becoming an Astronaut/ Lost and Confused Riot | Sept 23rd, 1973 | In IMAGICA storage. / In IMAGICA storage. |
26 | ネンドロン大騒動の巻 / さようならドラえもんの巻 | Nendoron Riot / Goodbye, Doraemon* | Sept 30th, 1973 | In IMAGICA storage, audio exists. / In IMAGICA storage, audio exists. |
- Clips from only two episodes, "Operation Cupid Love-Love" and "Love, Love This Camera," have been found online, but they are taken off Youtube as of February 2022.
- The opening and closing credits are the only surviving footage of the show available online which is not taken down from Youtube.
- "Nendoron Riot/Goodbye Doraemon" is currently the only full episode to exist online – albeit in audio form only – and is available here:
An old Nippon television schedule advertisement, featuring a time schedule for the 1973 series.
Scripts acquired by LMW contributor m_acrylic.
See Also
- A "Draw Dorami-chan" Song / A Week in Our Time Machine (Partially Found English version of "Doraemon" single; 1980)
- Doraemon "Adventures in Candy Land" (non-existent unaired English dub of anime episode; 2015)
- Doraemon '05 (partially found British dub of anime series; 2015)
- Doraemon '79 (partially found Phuuz English dub pilot of anime; early 2000s)
- Doraemon (partially found Asian English dubs of anime series; late 1990s-early 2000s)
- Doraemon: In A Thrilling Solar Car (partially found anime short film; 1992)
- Doraemon: Ken-chan's Adventure (lost anime short film/TV special; 1980-1981)
- Doraemon: Nobita no Doki Doki! Obake Land (lost build of unreleased Virtual Boy game; 1996)
- Doraemon: Robot War (partially found bootleg anime film; 1983)
- Stand by Me Doraemon (partially found Philippines English dub of anime movie; 2015)
- The Adventures of Albert and Sidney (partially found English dub of "Doraemon" anime series; late 1980s-early 1990s)
External Links
- MEGA archive – courtesy of Beautiful Duwang
- ↑ Jump up to:1.0 1.1
- ↑ Masumi Jun's page, detailing the history and production behind the 1973 Doraemon. Retrieved 05 Jan '17.
- ↑ Hanaballoon's '73 page. Retrieved 05 Jan '17.
- ↑ The Infoseek blog Retrieved 13 Jan '18.
Hey guys, I found what appears to be a screencap from Episode 16.'s not known if it's real or fake, but who knows?
Obviously fake. It looks like it was made in Paint.NET with some filter to make it look "credible", but even that, you could easily tell it's fake.
The community is already aware and knows of this and the previous links you've sent so far. I believe there's a gallery of the '73 anime on the Doraemon wiki. You can use that as a way to see if your next findings are already featured there or not. vide belongs to someone whose house got burned. He says that bunch of SpongeBob episodes and one anima from his 1980 japan visit got merged together. Around one minute mark you can hear the opening intro of the 1973 Doraemon series. at 1:14 (and onwards) you can even hear some lyrics! I unfortunately couldn figure out which episode this is from. If somone who knows Japanese gives it a shot maybe they can figure out as some of the speech can be heared.
If anyone finds something please let me also know. Real curious about this
That is definitely from Nendoron Riot, because you can hear the characters saying the same thing in this episode as well
Thankfully, the visuals are a bit noticeable.
fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake
hey BCIsPro456, how do you know this is fake, do you have evidence?
This is simple logic. Doraemon 1973 was never rebroadcasted or brought out of Japan, and most importantly... Spongebob was made in 1999. He said 1980, that's literally it.
I think the episodes would probably be released In some way If the licence expires, but I wanna know If Just zingo Does actually have the episode because all of us want to see If he does. Also a alleged picture of an episode was found, It's not known If It's real or fake.
The image might be from Operation Cupid Love-Love
where did this come from
This screenshot can't be from 'Operation Cupid Love-Love'. The gadget shown is the 'Abekonbe' gadget which, if you check the manga, is based on a story that's different from 'Operation Cupid Love-Love' (Also that gadget is a completely different gadget.). So if it IS real, then it's most likely from the episode 'Abekonbe Riot'. Which would be significant since, as far as I know, this would be the first screenshot from that episode.
interesting, if it is from abekonbe riot then that will be a big discovery
I think the picture most likely is fake, because I just watched the 2005 version of that episode, and it looks like the alleged screenshot is an edited version of this scene from the 2005 version, with redrawn faces for Doraemon and Nobita (Note the 2005 version scene's background is the exact same as the alleged Abekonbe Riot screenshot's background):
I guess that could explain why Nobita's face looks a bit odd in that screenshot, the background DOES look eerily similar to the 2005 version, and Doraemon's pose is practically one to one with the 2005 version. The colour of the gadget is also the exact same as the 2005 version, and the leaves from the tree are the EXCAT same (even down to the shading.). Looks like we got yet another fake. Here's 2 of the photos layered on top of each other. Credits to my friend for doing this.
It's obviously fake because further inspection, Noby's legs and body are the same exact look as the 2005 screenshot. The faces of the characters are obviously redrawn to look like the 1973 designs. Noby's shirt is also edited. Doraemon's body is the same, the picture has an vhs tape look to it. Definitely a fake screenshot.
look, the only episodes that are in imagica probably wont get released, because the images from stuff imagica has jun also has and released. also, if this copyright and the series coming out thing is true, then imagica might be late to the party in the release if jun releases. besides a few episodes will be video only, thus making it harder to find more. i am also researching about zingo's "i hate report cards" rerun, ill keep updated on that
update: the doraemon wiki has a rerun airing list, which is super interesting because it doesnt say there were reruns in 1978 where zingo apparently got his rec. this could be wrong or whatever, but that could almost prove zingo's copy doesn't exist. sadge.
On Wikipedia it says that it re-aired during the 70's, and the last channel known to have re-aired the show was Toyama Television, who re-aired it from July 3rd to July 24th, 1981. It also briefly re-aired in August of the same year. Looks like the Doraemon wiki was wrong. There might be hope for Zingo's 'I Hate Report Cards' rerun after all! That means this Doraemon adaptation might survive in Spanish
This seems to be false. 1973 Doraemon was only broadcast in Japan. The music sounds weird.
It's fake, that user is known for making fake lost media. It's just a kid who seeks attention, he did the same some years ago with other dubs and Backyardigans stuff.
this cant be real at all
beacuse i would like to ask some questions to him
i think that should be kept private, also i assume only knows japanese and i wouldn't cause too much trouble for him as it could be leaked and itll just be awful for poor him
Where did the urban legend/myth of the episodes getted destroyed even come from? what's the source???
I've found out on on Japanese Wikipedia that several episodes including "The Competition of Man's Power", "Wishing Star Shooting Star", "Going To Sea In A Submarine", "Crazy Stomach Clock" and "The Weather Box" are in storage, but incomplete, so if they ever get released in some way in the future (which will be a while from now), they will use what's left of those episodes.
Im here to correct some information on this page, well the edit they did to add the information was probably inspired from one of my older comments on here. I mistaken about the clips, they're not taken down, the clips can be found on youtube, theyre just built into some of the videos that have the end credits for the show, when I made that comment, I thought those clips were one entire clip for some reason, so sorry about that.
So alot of people say that the episodes will be released next year because the copyright for the series expires that year. if this is true, then im excited!
forgot to say: if the episodes get released next year, then it would probably be on april 1st because thats the month and day the show first aired on
Very promising!
@BCIsPro456 And I hope it wouldn't be a silly April Fools joke.
@Luciano Rivera, If the series actually expires in 2023, then no it will def not be a april foolz joke
3 months time until April 1st, 2023. Though that is not when the license expires, that is the premiere of the 1st episode only and it's the 50th anniversary of that so maybe there's a chance it will be released as a special occassion.
Where did this info come from?
why did i make this comment
Hello There! My name is Spongeboy101 Yesterday I was using Opera Web Browser (Sorry for bad english is because im spanish) And I used Translator to Japanese to see Doraemon'73 related content and images until I found something of showing an image of doraemon and when I clicked on it it showed a small audio fragment of Episode 12 Segment 2 A Man Fights with Power(And it seems that not a bunch of people doesn't know about this just look at the views) anyways here's the page:
the mega archive is brocken or im just being dumb you see the clips and images that were there are kinda gone like rats are as weakas cats defeat the bully are gone but there on youtube but im not sure if there all on yt
Your not stupid, the Mega Archive I checked is kinda broken I keep seeing empty folder in almost every part of it, so maybe most of it got removed
Maybe it had to be removed bc of copyright?
yeah alot of the episodes that had images have few images in the file, they can be found on youtube i think though
they really need to update the page, because some of the clips from some episodes got taken down or privated, and they need to update the episodes that originally had clips
On, I searched “ドラえもん” (Doraemon in Japanese) and I had found something that said: 幻の日本テレビ版「ドラえもん」第9話台本 which is a script from either segment 9 or an episode 9 segment. If you want proof, here’s the link:
nice find!
I'm confused here can someone give me something?
the episode name came from the original website just keep scrolling down
I read somewhere about a Cantonese DVD with episodes from this series, however it is probably a lie, especially when I couldn't find it when searching "Doraemon DVD" in Chinese.
Here's where I read it:
I think they just got some really poor quality/ugly 1979 episodes. styles were known to change & some episodes look pretty off model compared to what people know it for. This could be a possible canidate.
Elijah. I acknowledged that this is a 1979 anime screenshot.
The '73 anime is such an interesting concept, and I want to help preserve it. I want anyone who has footage to send it to my email as mp4s in a zip drive. Let's do this!
This was uploaded today....
Send to me ( as mp4 please!!!!! Hurry!
That's just the theme song, clips from one or two episodes I think, and the credits from before.
though the graph above shows episodesthat have been found and say in jun storage or IMAGICA storage, there is no link to footage or audio
someone help meh:(
It's because it's IN STORAGE. Neither Jun nor IMAGICA have the rights to release the footage they own publicly due to some complicated copyright stuff. All we know is that the footage does actually exist.
btw, the copyright of the series will expire (depending on whether the series is treated as a cinematographic work) in 2023 (if it isn't) or 2043 (if it is)...
Three years from now, we are free!
- D
that good :D
The video for the intro has been taken down :/
Yes I have the episode 17 segment 1
prove it
I don’t have a vhs player go to the old lost media wiki to see the rest of the conversation
i wanna see:))))) hey wait a sec what do you mean by old lost media wiki send me link pls
@JustZingo i have VHS player
cool does someone haves a vhs of the doraemon 1973 thing?
please @JustZingo could you find a vhs player so you can commprese it into a video?
Just convert the VHS tape to a digital file or STOP LYING ABOUT HAVING EPISODE 17!!!
@JustZingo Hi, I'm part of the team looking for Doraemon 1973. Please show us the episode. I won't distribute it, but I'll only watch it on my team. Please I beg you.
JustZingo it has been 5 years WHERE IS IT
he is lying the chances of having episode 17 are slim beacuse vhs equpment back then is hard to find not only but it was eqenssive and more popular shows like Q taro 65 survied (well one episoded did) is beaucse it was very very popular in tv and you wont to recored it and the show was rerecived like dora73 but wasnt that popualr sooo hes lying....or is he
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