Dragon Ball Super : Broly
Set after the events of the "Universe Survival" saga, the film follows Goku and Vegeta as they encounter a powerful Saiyan named Broly. The film also chronicles the history of the Saiyans and the background story of these three Saiyans with different destinies connected to the turbulent period of their race, and later culminating in a massive battle between them.[7]
Broly represents the first appearance of a reworked iteration of Broly in the main Dragon Ball continuity, following the initial version's appearances in the films Broly – The Legendary Super Saiyan (1993), Broly – Second Coming(1994), and Bio-Broly (1994). The film was well-received by critics especially for its animation, fight sequences and Shintani's art style, which was deemed an improvement over the franchise's usual art style drawn by Tadayoshi Yamamuro, coming along with the 3D key animations handled by roub. The film was a box office success, grossing over $124 million worldwide and becoming the highest-grossing Dragon Ball film ever. It also became the highest-grossing anime film of 2018, the fourth highest-grossing anime in the United States and Canada, and the sixteenth highest-grossing anime film of all time.[4]
This was the final Dragon Ball film co-distributed by 20th Century Fox, following the acquisition of 21st Century Fox by Disney on March 20, 2019, and ultimately the dissolution of the Japanese division of Fox, with Crunchyroll and Sony Pictures Releasing distributing the next film in the franchise outside Asia.[8][9][10] In the English dub, this also marks the final time Vic Mignognavoices Broly, before his partnership with Funimation ended in the wake of the sexual harassment allegations and legal fees. He was replaced by Johnny Yong Bosch in future productions.
A sequel, titled Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, was released in 2022.
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